“Give Value”

  • Description text goes hereA pp on what this page is about.  A desire to share what's changed my life.  To Give Value and help other's find their own clarity.

    I figure that if you find yourself resonating with something in my work, there’s a strong chance you feel some of the ways I have felt or feel. Be it pain or wonderment, or profound excitement for depth and sensing a complexity that lies just below the surface, if we can only capture a glimpse of it with our mind’s eye..

    Maybe you find something here that resonates - maybe you don’t. But this is here for the chance - no matter how small - that a few of these click with a few followers.

    I’ve had this feeling rolling in my mind for a while.. the idea of working on oneself to “Give Value”.

    Not just through what we make materially or what we do for work, but in the how we maneuver through the probelms of life, and through our very nature of being, and the mental paradigms that we may have stumbled upon that might be game-changers for a friend or family.

    , and how our positioning in self-worth has a powerful affect of those around us, and in turn, a radiating effect outwards into the community.

    Thus I’ve wanted to include this page - of ideas and practices I’ve intersected with that have made my life - and thus my Creative Experience - more profound. They’ve made me a more loving and more effective human being, so that I can have more clarity and give my value to others.

We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for.
— John Keating - Dead Poets Society (1989)

Bettering the Self



Maybe Sections:   Mind/Body/Business


  • Evernote

  • Waking Up App

Paradigm-Shifting Minds: 
(long-form interviews/lectures on YouTube)

  • Alan Watts    (starting link)

  • James Hollis    (starting link)

  • Bernardo Kastrup    (starting link)


  • "The Artist's Way"

  • "The Art of Possibility" *

  • "The War of Art" *

  • "Art & Fear"

  • "Getting Things Done"

  • "The Creative Act"

  • "Steal Like an Artist" / "Show Your Work"

  • "A New Earth"

Daily Practices:

  • Morning Pages (via "The Artist's Way")

  • 5-Minute Journal

A Healthy body is a healthy mind: 

  • 1.  No breakfast. (why) 

  • 2.  No sugar / un-X grain foods that are broken quickly into sugar (eg. bread/pasta)